Criteria for What agreements would support the park to serve everyone who uses it or lives or works near it?


What is your concern for the criterion "To be able to travel freely and easily to the park and in the park. "?

What is your concern for the criterion "Support calm and comfort within the neighborhood."?

What is your concern for the criterion "That the park be a safe place to go to and to stay in."?

What is your concern for the criterion "Respect and consideration for all neighborhood members and visitors"?

What is your concern for the criterion "That people are taking into account the impacts of their actions on others, with consideration of people's different life circumstances "?

What is your concern for the criterion "The freedom to have fun in the park"?

+ add concern

What is your concern for the criterion "test"?

What is your concern for the criterion "Care and support from transition from illegal to legal activities"?

New Criterion

TIP: Does the criterion have these helpful characteristics?

  1. Is noncontroversial
  2. Can be evaluated (subjectively)
  3. Uses positive language (what is wanted rather than what is not wanted)
  4. Is relevant to the context
  5. Is operational (can in principle be made to happen)
  6. Applies to everyone (this is a need that everyone can recognize, not just one person’s need)
  7. Doesn’t have a specific outcome (as long as it’s noncontroversial, this is the least important characteristic)